Face Massage Therapy Training
Face Massage Training
Massage therapy training in India is a harmonious blend of theoretical teachings and practical wisdom. It seeks to promote knowledgeable beings who can expand the message of joy and healing worldwide.
Facial Therapy Level - 2
In facial therapy level 2, you will learn massage techniques for the posterior neck. Neck massage is a very important part of facial therapy.
In modern days, very few people do not carry significant tension in their necks. A good massage will not only reduce muscle tension but will also help your client relax before the facial begins.
Tight neck muscles restrict blood flow to the face and can limit the mobility of the head. Tight facial muscles can be caused by tight neck muscles because they work so closely together. Often tight facial muscles will not loosen until neck tightness is released. Tight muscles in both the face and neck can restrict the proper blood flow essential for facial skin to stay healthy.
You will learn 30 advanced techniques of facial therapy. Each technique must be properly mastered at the outset, and from there one goes on to the development of sequence, blending one technique into the next without breaking the rhythm.
For the facial massage to have a therapeutic effect, your body must be relaxed and you must be comfortable applying the strokes—this is essential, and it only comes after thorough assimilation of the techniques. Facial tissue is far more delicate than most other body regions and can be fatigued quickly. Practice these techniques with extra caution when learning.
Head and scalp techniques add a finishing touch to the treatment and signal that the message is coming to an end. You will learn 5 techniques for head and scalp massage. Head and scalp treatment is very important to soothe and relax your client.